Single Chip Programmer
Single Chip Programmer
For Mimaki&Roland

The DS-Kit programmer is designed to make single use chip of Mimaki and Roland by yourself when you need. It is portable and simple to make chips anywhere and anytime. With the charger, you can manage chip stock without the difficulty of needing a certain of color of chip suddenly. The DS-Kit programmer is available in two different types like solvent ink chip programmer and Aqueous (&UV) ink chip programmer of Mimaki and Roland. Each Kit provides broad range of chip types as the below table. and as another function, the DS-Kit can read the programmed chip. And the programmer can re-charge the used chip for dramatically reducing chip cost.

Single Smartchip Programmer
For Mutoh
There is no one solution which covers all Mutoh printers because the smartchip Data are all different by area and the firmware of printers. We have a different types of Smartchip programmer for each purpose.
Ver3A’ MC-Kit( for VJ-MSINK3A)▶ The smartchip programmer works with Mutoh printer which uses a cartridge with mark “VJ-MSINK3A”
-No need to connect to a computer -Different serial code created whenever programming -Portable to program smartchip anytime and anywhere

◀MC-Kit 2.4 Ver. for EMeA(Europe / Middle East / Africa)
The MC-Kit 2.4 ver., has 120 serial codes (see the below table). With the Kit, you do not need to connect it to a computer for encoding. You can program the smartchip whenever you want in any place. The Kit is not allowed to be used for one more printer because the Kit has a limited serial code for only one printer. After 120 codes, new high Version of MC-kit should be replaced.
The Kit includes:

▲ MC-Kit For AAOO (America / Asia / Oceania / Other (Germany)) The AAOO smartchip programmer is available in three different types by the area and ink capacity. The programmers have unlimited serial codes. Whenever you program, each smartchip has different serial code

Single Chip Solution
For hp 9000S/10000S

◀HP1- Chip programmer
The charger programs 1 liter chip of hp DJ 9000s / 10000s only with our blank chip. It does not re-program or reset OEM chips. The hp1-Chip Programmer charger comes along with a Data USB, a Count USB and blank chips. A Data USB has 1,200 data codes which will be programmed (you need to let us know how many code for each color you want like 200* C/M/Y/K/Lc/Lm to purchase.
After using out a certain of color data, another Data USB is required. A Count USB ( MOQ 300 credit) is used to activate the Kit. With one programming, one count is used. New count USB should be re-purchased after using out the Count USB.

HP1-OEM Resetter▶
The resetter makes a used OEM chip initialized. It does not work with any third part chip, but works with only hp DJ 9000s / 10000s OEM chip. A OEM chip has its own default like expiry date, color, ink capacity and serial code. The Kit resets the data to initialize.
But if OEM chip is completely used (ink level zero), the chip does not reset with the Kit. The Kit comes with a battery power cable and a Count USB. A Count USB ( MOQ 300 credit) is used to activate the Kit. To reset one OEM chips, one count is used. A new Count USB should be re-purchased again after using out a Count USB
Chip Programmer
For Mimaki

The F-Kit is a chip programmer which can make permanent chip for Mimaki.
With the programmer, you can select only chip type and color to make permanent chip. Unlike single chip programmer, the programmer does not require USB counter to charge chip more. The red color chip has basic data like ink capacity and expiry date and the programmer just activates the chip data with chip type and color.
Chip Programmer
For Mimaki and Roland